Well hello there!
Allow us to introduce ourselves! We are Sadiee & Lola, the dynamic duo that's been cracking jokes and causing chaos for over a decade now. We are the ultimate best friends!
So how exactly did we meet? Well, it all started at a summer job at Victoria's Secret. We were working the retail grind, trying to make a few bucks and maybe snag some sweet discounts on bras and undies. Little did we know that we would meet our soul sister bestie.
Bring the chaos.

Chaos Coordinator
Living her best life in a Lizzie McGuire retirement bubble with her pup and her Italian stallion of a husband (no seriously, he's from Rome.) She's been working the past three years as a business elevation consultant, helping businesses reach their full potential by managing EVERYTHING and more behind the scenes.
Lola specializes in business strategy, streamlining workflow, and graphic design!
Entrepreneurial mom of three, has always been a boss lady in her own right. She's started more businesses than you can shake a stick at, and she's always willing to share her latest schemes and dreams!
Sadiee specializes in content creation, creative copy, and photography.
Creative Chaos
"We couldn't be more different, but that's what makes our friendship so special."